Sunday 15 February 2009

Before we set up The Fantastic Funeral Company we did a huge amount of research and spoke to many people about the idea, its concept and how the company might be used.

You told us that you wanted something new, that you wanted really personal funerals that actually reflected the person who’d died and, the most exciting bit, that given the chance you’d be up for planning your own funeral because it meant you could be very specific about everything from the dress code to the music, fireworks and venue.

So we wrote a Wish List, which now we use as the tool to help put all your thoughts, plans and creative ideas into fruition. And it’s working!

We are working with some very interesting people who want to ‘put their house in order’ and then just get on with the rest of their lives.

Think about it, it makes sense. If your partner died today would you know what their wishes were?

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